The avalanche has already started, it is to late for the pebbles to vote.
The avalanche has already started, it is to late for the pebbles to vote.
I’ve literally seen code that does something awfully similar. But you could have used an Enumeration.
Fuck, I think you just gave me an idea for an issue in my code that has bugged me for days.
Upvote for using Scala.
But does it do everything in anonymous functions and lambdas?
user unite! There are dozens of us, dozens!
let there = "light"
100 miles/h is like 160 km/h, right? That’s just normal travel Speed on the highway.
Jep, always the K in KDE applications, like oKular and dolphin.
Hard to do as those functions are often limits and need infinite function applications. I’m telling you, math.PI is a finite lie!
Call me when you found a way to encode transcendental numbers.
Good for you, I mean that. But as much as you admire and enjoy this outfit, I don’t.
Because it look ridiculous.
easy and fast to use.
It just isn’t, if you don’t already have an account with them. And even then, I personally find ich horrible to use.
That’s for the very simple reason I don’t know who Dean Koontz is.
I see.