Before killing yourself, it’s your responsibility to kill your children
*char // I heard it from a friend
**char //who heard it from a friend
***char // who heard it from another
"You were messing around"
Yeah, probably more boring than I assumed; podman with 1 apt based distro, one rpm based distro, and Nixos. Each doing an independent build and packaging in their respective builds systems.
I was hoping for some rube Goldberg’s machine of compilation, but that’s probably not the case.
The why is a good question, but I’d also like to know “How?”
In about 2 weeks this will be 10 years old
Pull requests welcome!!
That’s pretty good too
Nobody tell him
I like the better motherfucking website
Aurebesh font?
I’m sure he thought about it. Probably thinking “how does no one realize this is awful. Someone should do something”
Whether or not they should doesn’t matter. So long as the only real metric for success is growth of profit, these things will not happen
There has never been a single time in the history of capitalism where improved productivity has reduced hours or increased pay for the working class.
Of topic, but wtf is that logo?
Sure, it’s a tangled thread, but is that it?
It looks like it could be a C or E, but that doesn’t seem meaningful.
I still think this is the best iteration of this idea
It’s starting with baked beans though. If you bake them again they’ll be rebaked beans, which are completely different.
Element 0 is the first element of the list