I’ve always thought that it should be the relevant ID issuing organisation, with whom the damage to privacy has already been done, might as well leverage it.
I’ve always thought that it should be the relevant ID issuing organisation, with whom the damage to privacy has already been done, might as well leverage it.
Yeah, I was younger then, perhaps less disciplined, and as always, given enough work you can decompile or regenerate anything. Still, I contend, the nature of Perl, powerful as it was, lent itself to unmaintainable messes, and I’m not talking regex’s, which is why it has faded, no amount of get gud withstanding.
I upvoted you because I consider Perl write only (used to know it, now it inspires readable code as a high priority)
Eh, that moment when you get a different error message tho ;)
I put the fires out.
You made them worse.
Worse…, or better.
Love me some Zim.
RetroArch doesn’t have Xbox/PS2/switch
No, but EmuDeck does, along with RetroArch… Best have a look before starting.
More power to you if you want to strike out on your own, but you may find it quicker going to join a larger project at this stage, you’ll have people to ask questions to, if you choose well you’ll learn best (or good) practices, etc. Maybe EmuDeck itself? In the end the language doesn’t matter much (maybe avoid Perl, PHP and JavaScript at the start), once you get the concepts down it’s easy to switch to another. You’ve got time, take some to skill up.
I fucking hate discord
It’s Cancer, have an upvote.
Ah, write only code ;) I was an enjoyer pre python.
Perhaps BeautifulSoup for scraping data to fill your arrays…
Awful, would laugh at you on a date. Better than most.
Dear God, hope you got my letter…
Narky, but real, updoot.
Everything old is new again (GIGO)
Very nice, now acti in my rc.
And now I’m thinking of the comedian from Watchmen. Alan Moore, knows the score…
Craziest all week for me, guess I curate my feeds different…
So, as a bazzite enjoyer what in particular need I do?