To be honest a lot of the memes on here don’t make sense. But then perhaps I’ve finally become old.
Don’t forget the shirts. “I’ve acquired an array of venereal diseases and parasites by way of the restaurants I choose to patronize!”
For some reason I love this.
Why’d he have to go and make the use of cocaine a political issue though? I mean, if we were allowed to grow our own coca then we wouldn’t have to fund terrorists.
The entire premise of conservatism is that the way things are now (or how they recently were), and the projection of this into the future, is the best possible way for things to be. How absolutely stupid do you have to be to believe that?
“Let’s just stop here, things are as good as they’re going to get. No improvements can be made.”
How old was she? Because, while I don’t doubt the mental health aspect of it all, it also sounds a lot like a young person who doesn’t really know themselves and is desperate to feel special.
Love me some sweet excretion. What a life, to be an ant.
I don’t think I’ve ever been to a wedding in a church. Are the families supposed to split up?
Seems like he was always silver haired too. I don’t remember him any other way.