Thought that said cbatGPT
Thought that said cbatGPT
Its cheese flavored.
By being a twat, if my memory or no is is correct.
Public static void main (That’s the joke) { args};
As a dyslexic person this whole thread made no sense to me and is full of fuckery.
Because being around you gave me cancer.
This has been my experience. They just lie and string you along.
1 offer. Rejected by interviewee because company didnt give any salary benefits info until the very end.
I see you… what is going on?
Can someone explain like im twelve please.
But which extensions in particular…
Only if you start banging other lemmy users… else itll just stay the same.
You both know the other one cheated on you so you cheat on them to get back at them and then they cheat on you in revenge.
If killing a bunch of women and children is freedom fighting then this world is fucked.
Pull the god pin at the end of every shift. Dont tell management!
As long as the counterfeit cheese meets all production regulations and is safe to eat I dont care. But the truth is the counterfeit probably cut amlot of corners and isn’t that safe and if people get sick will be much harder to track and prevent future issues.
I liked wboy beebop. It w s campy… but it was supposed to be. Think people expected bsg feel of dark and serious.
Itll be cancelled like cowboy beebop
Yea, its just the same exact power hungry mod template as everywhere else.