That’s disgusting
That’s disgusting
Yup. Business logic for things that cost millions or billions should not be run by an approximation machine.
Someone’s been watching Primeagen
I used to use JQuery (and I still do occasionally when doing scripts for WordPress where its included natively), but modern vanilla JS has solved 90+ % of the reason why we needed JQuery back then.
I was specifying my backend of choice to pair with HTMX.
Me too! I’ve been working with JS for more than 10 years but HTMX + Go has been a welcome transition.
You been playing with asterisk?
Pringles are edible but I’d choose many other forms of potato over them given the choice.
What languages did you come to rust from?
Cosmic radiation! Bit flips! Quantum tunneling! Who TF knows…
The UniFi controller software has always been a garbage java project. It feels a bit better these days though.
You see, that’s why you divide all the smaller distinct batches of logic into their own functions and then give the wrapper function a name like blahBlahOrchestrator or blahBlahManager waves hands mysteriously
.catch(error) { }
Hello sane friend! You used your joke to great effect!
Did you like my useEffect joke haha
I’m good with my Vue, thanks. I hate React though. I can see htmx simplifying some things and being adopted by front-end frameworks. The same way improvements in HTML and CSS have been adopted.
I may get downvoted to hell for this, but besides the shady business practices, Unity sucks as a game engine. You can just feel the engine eating resources for no good reason and the gfx don’t come close to UE5.
Waking up from hearing a loud noise could be that you hallucinated the noise. Check out exploding head syndrome (coolest name ever)