I code with mine on a daily basis with work. Best change i ever made for ergonomics and reducing RSI.
Thumb clusters so come in clutch like. Whenever I see a birthday Hertford I just think about the massive waste of space the space bar is on them.
For escape and whatnot I use combos so pressing the two leftmost keys on the top row at the same time press escape. The ones below that, tab, and below that ctrl etc. and i make modifiers like control and shift one shots if I don’t hold them down to help reduce RSI even further and so it’s easy to hit keys that they may be “covering up” as a combo.
There should be a parts list on that GitHub. You’d need two microcontrollers, two batteries, all of the switches and keycaps you want a bunch of resisters and hot swap sockets if you want hotswappable switches.
The keyboard is a modification of the corne so if you can’t find a tutorial on this one specifically I’d you want to watch a video, a corne one would suffice.