The fuck?
My name’s not Rick.
The fuck?
This perspective is hurting my brain
This is how we end up with snow crash.
I need to boop the snoot
I feel I should probably consume more of them. Wait, am I a rabbit?
Is this Bugs’ Basilisk?
I think I have that same rug
He wrote this in the 1960’s, mainly in reference to Spanish Fascism but not exclusively.
I think Juan Linz created a decent criteria. It’s useful as a descriptor of how much personal liberty a person residing in a particular state can assert and how easily a person can petition their government without fear of reprisal.
It’s a square-rectangle situation in my view. All fascists are authoritarian bit not all authoritarians are fascist
Stop shilling your game in places that aren’t meant for it
What would you say if I characterized the third reich as authoritarian? Would that make me a Holocaust trivializer?
Just hit the magic ETL lever, what’s the big deal?
Just chuck an =1 at the end, bam
If I had a cookie for every time someone asked me if I could pull together some obscure metric during a 30 minute meeting I’d have the beetus
Ah, thanks. Unfortunately the real estate 6-12 inches south of those ears is ever so slightly less cute
I don’t get it
“Do this thing Elon won’t even notice while you continue to give attention to the advertisers paying him”
If Google is a monopoly (it’s not)
The US DOJ doesn’t agree with you, they’re in the midst of suing them for antitrust.
He’s an adult. Parents get charged when they don’t properly secure their firearms from their minor child, which isn’t what is being alleged here. It’s not really comparable.