Well I for one did not know that actually!
Well I for one did not know that actually!
Haven’t visited Reddit since I came here last summer. I love it here. It’s not perfect, but it’s ours
It’s so adorable! Wow the baby has the same markings as the adult! I think that’s uncommon for birds, right?
Dude awesome. I mean you gotta hand it to them. Killing it with affordable electric cars, solar panels and now this. It’s a step in the right direction, and that’s more than you could say about UK
Scrub daddy is good because it lasts much longer than the standard sponge, and you put it in the dishwasher and it keeps going. Scrub mommy is the opposite IMO. It’s significantly more expensive than standard sponges while offering nothing different.
American EV manufacturers are consistently cutting their production citing waning demand. This is obviously false since the US is blocking cheap imports, car makers have everything to gain by limiting supply and keeping prices high.
Oh this one took me a minute- it’s half of a halfling!
Ah man I set a fire once. So dumb. My friend and I ditched Hebrew school and lit some books and a bush on fire in a department store parking lot.
Then we felt so guilty we called to fire department and confessed! The fire chief made us come in and take a fire safety class and write an essay. We were such dorks.
Bro I’m planking right now!
Same! And then it even started the same way. I was already laughing at a good prank