I did not have this on my radar, sadly. On the one hand, I somewhat was there via livestream which make me happy but on the other hand I am so sad that I missed it.
I did not have this on my radar, sadly. On the one hand, I somewhat was there via livestream which make me happy but on the other hand I am so sad that I missed it.
We slowly need to interface with an app at work that uses fixed-width too. It does not sound that bad if you hear it but it sucks to figure out where you are missing whitespace when most fields are not used and therefore all whitespace. Oh, and of course there are a lot of fields, also are aligned/formatted differently based on their type and has thin/no/wrong documentation. And I have yet to find a simple but decent “debugger”.
They somehow got the message and actually implemented that it can *checks notes* open emails.
THAT is very shitty. My problem is that after using it for a bit apps start freezing for a split second all the time. Most notable is firefox. The frequency and duration of them increase steadily. Then opening a new program might freeze the system fully (or wait minutes/hours until it unfreezes). It has something to do with memory allocation “according to” dmesg.
This is currently happening to me and I hate it.
Something between linux kernel 6.2 (working) and 6.7 (broken) and all I have at best is a generic warning message that yields just a few results and all are unrelated.
For my small hobby project compiling was absurdly slow. Switching to mold really cut down on waiting time.
Because you can does not mean you should.