Very suspect about the qr code in the last panel
Very suspect about the qr code in the last panel
Til : Pterodacrylus and helicopter share a linguistic ancestry
If getting made fun of helps reduce the amount of meat that gets eaten, this seems very much like a good deal to me
Of course facts can be aggressive
Let’s assume you talk to someone from a first world country. It is aggressive to say your lifestyle is responsible for the death of children in the developmental world, you are indirectly a murderer
It is more helpful to say: try fair-trade chlothes and check for companies that you buy from
Dividing society does not help better it
You will get more people to join your cause with a positive message: i.g. “Do these small steps to start” than a negative one, I.g. “If you don’t go fully vegan, you are still part of the problem.”
“Perfect is the enemy of good.”
So it is easier to convince people to reduce meat consumption, which than makes it more likely that people will go vegetarian or vegan later
And i actually feel like vegans on the internet can be too aggressive, alienating people they could get on their side
You could reduce meat intake and buy higher quality meat whenever financially feasible. Then you help fight the problem but can still look down on vegans
news flash: the genre’s called fantasy!
It’s meant to be unrealistic, you myopic manatee!
Do they have some space left?
Jokes on you
Whatever I do, I do it at peak autism
if AI.sencience = EVIL: os.system(‘shutdown -h fucking_now’)
Thank you