Dude, they even used the clowns to clown communication image.
Dude, they even used the clowns to clown communication image.
The right to bear Axe is sacred among Dwarves because with battle axes and hammers, we’ve protected the iron hills for generations.
This is not news. This is a dictator reading propaganda.
The Venezuelan laws contemplate a 48hrs period to release this information and he’s already a day late and 3.5MM votes short of winning this.
Even when this entity proclaimed him as the winner of the election without releasing this information or the tallies of the local polling stations.
This has now entered the Coup D’etat stage as he broke the law and is an usurper of the president elect position for the 2025-2031 period.
This very center in the past certified Hugo Chavez elections and while US based it’s not receiving money endorsement or support from either of the contenders in this race; additionally was one of the few Maduro’s government allowed.
This does not make any difference on the facts that the electoral authority has failed to present results with a breakdown of where the votes have been casted and proclaimed Maduro the winner without disclosing the tallies of the process.
Please stop being an internet colonizer denying countries of their own election results when the Venezuelan government has NOT published them and the opposition has it organized by state, county, city, street and polling station showing Maduro lost.
This is false, he lost and was asked to provide results to no avail.
The Venezuelan Electoral council have failed to provide full results or show proof Maduro won. I don’t see why this would be an issue if that’s literally the mission and objective of the entity.
Is not the western powers, this is self inflicted and short sighted from any democratic point of view: more votes = win an election.
A government sponsored campaign closure that pays public employees to go and offers money and food for attendees is never as representative and organic as the closure of Edmundo, the candidate challenging the strength of Maduro’s rule.
This is as lackluster and soft as it could be.
The drop in support as the institutions are decimated with ignorance and corruption are noticeable to the point that the main question for other leaders is no IF but WHEN they lose what will be the reaction of the ousted.
Zapp brannigan Vs. Dr. Fainsworth?
Fixed this for you
Not voting for Montgomery Burns.
That’s some seriously radioactive shit
Dementors are latina… And twerk dancing reggaeton.
Removed by mod
Great username. On this event where “everything is suspiciously right” and you’re waiting for the other shoe to drop is a form of anxiety.
As it happens in the world that affects the mind, if you’re up does not mean someone somewhere else is down because is not a zero sum event, we can be up, and down at the same time for different reasons. This reminds me of the tale of two cities where 'it was the best of times it was the worst of times" sets the dichotomy of our existence.
“shot himself”… A day earlier, as he had a deposition against Boeing.
Tryna Holla at me.
In all tales of Middle-earth, the shadow of Mordor looms, for in the hearts of all beings lies the potential for both great good and great evil.
To deem one faction as less malevolent than the other is to tread the perilous paths of Moria, for both hold the capacity for nobility and vice.
The lesser evil, then, is not a constant star but a ship navigating the shifting seas of circumstance and deed.In the chronicles of Middle-earth, the true measure of valor lies not in the banner one bears but in the choices made in the shadow of the great mountain.
It is the courage to resist the lure of the One Ring, the wisdom to forge alliances amidst strife, and the heart to defend the light against the encroaching dark that truly defines the lesser of two evils.
The lore of Middle-earth imparts a stern lesson: inaction is the ally of darkness. To stand by, to claim neutrality when the forces of good and evil muster their strength, is to forsake the very lands one might wish to preserve. It is to let the Shire fall prey to the Scouring, without ever lifting a sword or bending a bow in its defense.
Thus, to abstain from choosing is akin to allowing the Shadow to grow, unchallenged and unchecked, for in the words of Elrond, “If we fail, then the Enemy will control all things.”
I’m not trying to update your views on anything as is clear you made up your mind but think of that phrase and come to your own findings.
So this is why all need to bend for the dark one ane don’t give any chance to retreat and correct the path.
Y’all need Jesus
Was grounded in Argentina for the crew of this cargo plane raised suspicion for both being double of the people needed to operate a commercial cargo flight and that half of the Iranians were part of the Iranian liberation army. This was sold from Iran to Venezuela while both are having an embargo of US products where commercial transactions involving US products has been suspended.
Maybe the real Russian OPS were in the GOP with IQ45-47 all along.