Can you link a recipe? Could only find a kind of dessert…
Can you link a recipe? Could only find a kind of dessert…
Engineers code of ethics
Might be all the coke your name refers to?
Preach. My favorite pizza of the last few years is with sliced kebap meat with sauce hollandaise. Sounds disgusting, looks not that appetizing but it’s fucking amazing.
I approve of your sarcasm though.
Same here. Prevents smegma buildup. Washing helps too. ;)
You have to register at a certain expected size so police can have enough policemen on site to be able to keep public order. There are very few cases where these applications have been denied and with good reason. Demonstrations are only dissolved if they get too unruly and dangerous for the public.
German here. This is 99% sure fake news. German police is only able to even touch kids at that age to take them back to their parents. Kids up to 14 are executively immune from the law. The source is also kind of iffy. The right to protest is also enshrined in German law. As long as they are not violent they can protest all day long.
Paywall removed:
The joke is, that the php devs force the C++ Dev to buy them all a beer. Pretty sure that’s a reference to the nature of the php interpreter being written in C. The C Dev is carrying their water so to speak.
In situ processing should solve that. Imagine a machine where you put that in, it gets crushed and sprayed and the liquid is transported and recycled.
Install Linux and have updates for the Rest of your life. And more performance.
Edit: typo
Teachers are state employees. Their pay is a disgrace.
Don’t ask your government for a living wage. Or your employer. An education that gives you leverage to negotiate a living wage tough… that’s totally a governments responsibility and in its range of possibility. Everything else is a social subsidy which is fine as long as you call it by its name which is disability pay and unemployment pay. Ask your government for that too.
Not sure if this was there before, but that works for me. Thanks
The legislature and violence monopoly are there to ensure all people have legal recourse instead of needing to turn to violence. If you corrupt that system and use it to oppress the masses, they become violent.
I neither agree with, nor condone violence, but it does not surprise me at all. Just surprised that it took so long.