Time to start you collection anew.
Time to start you collection anew.
Nice. Proud of you, keep it up.
Mushrooms are awesome and delicious. Foraging them is awesome too if you know your shit. Which i do not, so i buy mushrooms.
This is what a lot of power does to humans, it corrupts, makes one view those with less power as less of a human being. There shouldnt be any absurdly powerful people.
I mean i am sure that rich people get away with lots of stuff that normal people wont. But this whole “pedophile elite” thing smells very similar to the “elite jews control everything” and is simplistic bs at best. I am not even sure what people are on about. I would be happy if we finally fought for more equality and better distrubution of wealth but that seems “too simple” to most or something.
“What about the people on epsteins list” is gotta be the most generic strawman.
Pretty much sums up how i feel right now
Just fucking do it already. Man they sure like to make bad publicity lately.
The sheer balls you need to have to even go to a MLP cenvention in a country like russia, much more to even organze one. My respect.
Could you link some sources that show how there is a large group of powerful pedophiles? Because for this to be true pedophiles are really not getting any benefits at all which is odd if you ask me. Of course there would be some powerful pedophiles on a planet with People. There also powerful rapists, murderers, holocaust deniers (or is that a hoax too in your opinion), racists etc.
I friggin love my cat. Maybe i am a moron but i actually like that my cat needs its own space and time because so do i.
Yes, one the few good news this year
Like i give a fuck what cools best. I want my system to look awesome and the AIO sure looks better imo. At the end of the day: build the PC that makes you happy.
Stop eating animals. Captain Planet and the animals thank you for your service.
Now hear me out: Get yourself a dakimakura. With depression you will spend more time in bed than you like anyways and this way you alteast got something nice and plush to cuddle with in bed. It sounds bad but it feels good, believe me. If you feel like seeing people again but are embaressed you can always hide it in the closet. Or go with a neutral cover and say it helps sleeping on the side.
In this thread: Animals only deserve to live if they have a direct use case to us humans. People here are not sure whats alle the fuss about mass extinction. Carry on beloved free market capitalism.
“Preparing a person for a position requiring skilled behavior, especially by providing opportunity for practise and guidance in making the right decisions.” Now id like to see how knowing a person is the same as preparing the person, in this case, for a sexual relationship. The act of grooming minors entails to prepare them for sexual acts in order for the abuser to have a willing object for their sexual gratification.
What you are having a problem with, and i would even say rightfully so, is the power imbalance between these people. Power imbalance can have many sources, lika age gap, power or wealth. Not sure which is the biggest factor here. But again, calling it grooming simply is the worst way to adress the problem you actually want to talk about and it is hurting victims of actual grooming. Just like calling the GOP a bunch of groomers when you would need to adress the corruption and their obvious steps towards dismantling the democracy. It is helping the offenders by derailing the whole conversation without offering any actionable steps.
Have you red that article of yours? He might be a creep but this is NOT grooming. Maybe stop using that word as it means something completely different.
Do you want to inform us in some words of his missdeeds instead of using a word that has lost all its meaning by now? No offense but if i would hate everyone that was called a groomer by someone on the web i would literally hate every single person in the world because thats where we are with “groomer” right now.
Well i guess it is a good lesson to pick a passwort you either remember or have in a password manager. Also make backups.