Laws and rules to these people are not meant to be obeyed by them in any shape or form. They are meant to protect them and bind others.
Laws and rules to these people are not meant to be obeyed by them in any shape or form. They are meant to protect them and bind others.
I liked that reddit. What a fucking pussy cunt. He claimed they broke the law when they didn’t. All they were doing was exposing his illegal shit and criminal underlings, who should all be facing at least 20 years in prison for the stuff they are doing now.
OK so survival rating of 75% vs. 20%. Happy?
Also dangerous for crews. Sherman tank crews had a 75% survival rating when their tank got bust. I think the tiger had an 80% death rate or something.
Yeah but China isn’t my main concern right now. I got plenty of questions to ask and knowledge to seek and I would rather not be broadcasting that stuff to a bunch of busybody jackasses.
Thank you very much. I did ask chatGPT was technical questions about some… subjects… but having something that is private AND can give me all the information I want/need is a godsend.
Goodbye, chatGPT! I barely used you, but that is a good thing.
So can I have a private version of it that doesn’t tell everyone about me and my questions?
The people who did it are the same wealthy anti-progressive, anti-New Dealers who hated how the government did so many programs that didn’t just work, but worked brilliantly. I need to mention that not all New Deal programs survived, but most of the ones that were cut were done so due to early concerted opposition to them and nothing organic.
No joke, it is a combination of old ideas and opposition to new ideas.
If they didn’t exist. The CIA would create one. They need lunatics like that to leak documents to if they want the information within to be discreditted.
It’s Dan Cooper, my son, DB was coined by the press to throw them off a little more.
I am getting old. Very old. It was never about the money. The bit found in 1980 was never intentional. I did it to try to show how security was far too weak and a message to Nixon. I got hurt but I made it out. Burned my old outfit. I landed only a little far off my intended mark where I had stashed more proper winter attire to trek through the forest. Police were helpful in future proofing my crimes. Those cigarettes I smoked and that stir stick on the bourbon and coke cocktail I had? They could have been used to eventually identify my DNA. But they were gotten rid of. Very helpful. I quit smoking and drinking right after.
It was hard. But I had a change of heart. Was it really going to spark a change? That high jacking? Was the 200K I took going to do anything? I had time to think in my trek back, I realized it didn’t matter ultimately. I wasn’t alone back then, but I am now. Mr. Miner (that’s what I will call him) who stole the dynamite and fashioned the bomb I had? He died in a mining accident not too long after. And miss glamour (what i will call her) who helped with the makeup job so well that it hid my true appearance. I don’t look a thing like the composite drawing. She passed away, struck by a drunk who couldn’t take no for an answer.
Now I am alone and I am not long for this world. I had to keep my identity secret because mysteries allow people to fill in their own details. I did want to change the world somewhat… and I did. Airport security implemented after me aided in stopping the spree of hijackings that was so endemic to the time.
You want to know who I really am? I finally worked up the courage to say it here
Except DB Cooper was just a crook who was only after money. The shooter had an actual statement to make.
Some criminals are really that stupid,
A lot of criminals are remarkably stupid. It’s fun to imagine criminal masterminds making up a lot of their plans with meticulous planning only to be foiled by the heroes. But in real life most crooks are fairly dumb. Even intelligent people who do crimes can make mistakes that come off as remarkably stupid to people learning about them.
I watched a lot of episode of Forensics Files and other shows that document cases that were solved by slim margins. Some criminals on the show really did almost get away with it if it wasn`t for one tiny mistake. In other cases, however, they got caught ultimately because they left behind something that absolutely would have lead to their capture.
Like in one case there was a mugger who killed a college girl while she walking home. The area she walked through was wooded and dark. The episode documents how DNA was used after it had advanced sufficiently to get him and they had to track him down to get a good sample. But there is something absolutely critical that the show didn’t point out: He got on police radar because he dropped a bag of his that had a medicine bottle with his name on it. If he just picked up his bag the police would have had nothing to go by at all.
The other problem is that planning a murder like the one for Brian Thompson and getting away with it is hard as balls. Other than the fact that there are cameras everywhere. The guy needed to be at the right place and the right time and be there for only a minimal amount of time (to not draw undue attention) and he also had to be sure that there weren’t that many police around so police response times would be extended. I think he did it at the time because he also knew that the police change shifts so there are fewer beat cops around.
Also the silencer obviously doesn’t make the gun 100% quiet, but it was done to make it quiet enough to not set off the shotspotter towers. Those towers are more and more common in many cities so that when a criminal fires a gun, they can quickly triangulate where the shot was fired from. This would give away his location very quickly and minimize police response time.
It is meticulously planned. But there could be any number of things that could have gone wrong. The gun could have simply not fired at all. There could have been a few cops working extra hours nearby and ran after him quickly. Someone could have jumped at him to stop him right away. Lots and lots of factors go into it.
Even some people said that why was he using a hostel (which has security cameras and other witnesses) when he could have rented an AirBnB apartment. Some places rent rooms and apartments for people and those people never actually meet the host, meaning there is no one who would see you.
As for how to pay for them… the guy could have used a prepaid cash card, one bought and charged with cash. It cannot be traced back to you easily, if at all.
Maybe he found the gun lying around and decided to keep it. If I found a fully functional pistol I might do that…
If the brows don’t quit, you must acquit!
I really hope that Luigi does get acquitted. I mean if it is factual that he didn’t do it and the real killer is out there… well then, I guess Luigi still got lots of fame, but at the same time we will also be happy that the real guy is not only free, but the mystery of who he is will make him cooler.
They gotta prove it was him. Also it sucks. Really hard. Like gun charges? What happened? How did they figure? If I did something with a gun like that I’d have to do my best to get rid of the gun (disassemble and destroy the parts first).
Some companies have already backed away from some of their more predatory stuff… so it did have an effect.
With the goblins in kahoots! My lord we need to set a bountry of 30 gold pieces! Fetch the greatest team consisting of a mage, a fighter, a thief, and some comic relief buffoon who will end up saving the day despite his uselessness throughout the journey up to that point!
Fuck off. If he surrendered he will be killed. There is no way the billionaire class would allow a peasant like us to try to harm them and survive. They will also demonize him and drag him through the mud and claim he is a pedophile rapist who killed for pleasure.
I want Musk, Zuckerberg, and Bezos on the same rocket. Also I want a spectacular fireworks display!