He is wildly incorrect because he phrased it in an intentionally deceitful manner. It does not require 700 kilowatt hours of energy to transfer one Bitcoin one time. The verbiage quote “single transaction”, is the entire problem with OPs post.
He is wildly incorrect because he phrased it in an intentionally deceitful manner. It does not require 700 kilowatt hours of energy to transfer one Bitcoin one time. The verbiage quote “single transaction”, is the entire problem with OPs post.
You have no idea what you’re talking about, or else you’re intentionally misleading people. Transferring Bitcoin in a single transaction takes nowhere near as much power as mining it. Yes, BTC is stupid and terrible for the environment, but you don’t need to lie about the stats.
Schrödinger’s less popular pet
I agree with you but it made me physically nauseous to click the button because I remember a time when YouTube was awesome and free from ads.
Schnozz Goblin
Pepe le peen
Rocket Man
Phallic Freddie
Mr. Bojangles
OMG you even alphabetized them. Sploosh!
A corn dog is technically a ravioli on a stick. Fight me.
Fr fr these guys look like some top tier shit posters.
Good golly gee whiz that’s a lotta porn! You saving up for a rainy day or somethin?
I believe they meant to protect North American territories from French capture, not necessarily to prevent individual bodily harm, but that doesn’t fit as nicely in meme format.
Labs are the best dogs
I like this meme. You did good.
Thx I have never heard it called that before
Where the hell is the “Super” key?
Can anyone know a kitten’s gender? To find out the sex, check between the hind legs. Looks like a Sasha. Or Meowchelle Obama.
How did you misconstrue their comment so badly? Are therapists not allowed to work with students? I believe there is a clear and obvious difference between bodily autonomy, having the right to die with dignity, and euthanasia. This lady stated she “cannot cope with the suffering” and yet she proceeded to do so for three years while waiting patiently for approval. IMO anyone with truly intolerable suffering (mental or otherwise) would have found a way out long before this decision.
Because online bank accounts never get hacked, and old demented folks never fall for phishing emails… right?
You’re arguing in bad faith and I’m not going to put up with your stupid straw man. Your statement was that it requires 700 kilowatt hours for a single transaction and that is blatantly false. You seem to ignore the obvious fact that Bitcoin can be transferred unlimited number of times and you do not have to re-mine the Bitcoin every single time you transfer it. As I said earlier, I already agree with you that Bitcoin sucks and you’re wasting your time arguing with me over semantics.