Down with sprints! Down with weekly retros! Down with scrum masters! Down with burn down charts! Just give me a feature to work on and a tool to track tickets. Everything else can fuck off.
Down with sprints! Down with weekly retros! Down with scrum masters! Down with burn down charts! Just give me a feature to work on and a tool to track tickets. Everything else can fuck off.
Thank dog. I love that both platforms get reports, but it sure was hard to find the right ones
The only sites I can think of that don’t look like they use css are and bjarne stroustrup’s website.
Any site that uses JS for more than trivial things is going to be a disaster without styling of some kind.
This makes absolutely no sense. Front ends that include JavaScript still use css.
We never called if statements AI until the last year or so. It’s all marketing buzz words. It has to be more than just “it makes a decision” to be AI, or else rivers would be AI because they “make a decision” on which path to take to the ocean based on which dirt is in the way.
There’s a difference between “this is AI that could be better!” and “this could one day turn into AI.”
Everyone is calling their algorithms AI because it’s a buzzword that trends well.
None of it is even AI, Predicting desired text output isn’t intelligence
There has been a “new breakthrough in battery technology that will change everything!” every 3 months for every one of the 30+ years of my life
Doesn’t sound like a senior dev to me. Sounds like someone who thinks they are.
I vote we replace alt-right asshole Steven Crowder with Patrick Stewart from not on
What an insanely stupid read of my comment
I don’t give a shit about personal beliefs, I care about outcomes. Republicans’ desired outcomes actively hurt people I care about, so I can absolutely tell them to fuck off. Even if they don’t “believe in everything,” they are indifferent enough to let horrible things happen.
More important than the name of their party is their ideology. Conservative.
Here is a site with information about Lemmy,
Here’s a site that gives details on instance populations, general rules, functionality, and reliability. This site is a couple weeks out of date, but gives a good look into what each instance allows.
I think we’re just doing it for fun
Holy shit, this truely sent my brain on a trip back in time
Memes about posting memes about posting vintage memes?
It’s important to not call executives workers
Some things should only be connected to the intranet