Isn’t it all unicode at the end of the day, so it supports anything unicode supports? Or am I off base?
I later did ask it to just be helpful, specifically requesting it give me some possible words that fit for the 5 letter possibility for #1. It repeated “floor it” lol.
Not great, honestly.
Also never ask it to solve a picture of a crossword.
And a pickup of gains from sending just the delta of changed data for one of their passive update beacons.
Cloudflare is amazing , until it’s not. Chances are you’ll fall within the 95% that have a great time, but if for some reason you draw the ire of sales, engineering, or a system bug you’re gonna have a bad time.
😂👌 this
I’m also not sure where they got their idea that cloud is cheaper from. On prem has always been cheaper, I’ve had to walk through fire and flames to get my company to approve cloud hosting as we simply do not have the capacity to be our own mail host. Goodluck explaining tech debt to upper management though, it’s like they’re allergic to the idea of understanding it.
Same. Lol
The antitrust machine hasn’t had its scheduled maintenance for a few generations. It’s gonna take a little while to spin up.
It’s the same reason many unenforced laws exist. It’s an entrance point. As the saying goes, they didn’t get capone on his gang activity.
They don’t brick shit, don’t lie. It not booting until you swap the part back to a verified part isn’t even remotely close to a full bricking.
Why do we live in this hell? Fuckin end users man, let me roll Arch.
Morals and principles are all good and dandy until you’re staring down daddy Google (who can take millions in losses without blinking an eye) offering you a choice between a large check or competition with a business entity that doesn’t need to be profitable . There’s not a lot of people in the world who could stand up to that, even fewer so that would want to when the alternative is a worry free life sitting on whatever millions Google paid you while sipping Mai Tais on your private island.
Printed circuit board.
Oooh, 16