Po twojej pysznej zupie
Nie ruszam dupy z klopa
Ta zupa była z mlekiem;
Na mleko mam alergię
🇬🇧🇺🇸I seize incel people’s cocks
🟩⭐ Mi konfiskas incelula kacojn
“Tantum religio potuit suadere malorum” — Titus Lucretius Carus
Po twojej pysznej zupie
Nie ruszam dupy z klopa
Ta zupa była z mlekiem;
Na mleko mam alergię
Thank you, i just discovered another fantasy world i had no idea it existed
Going out with a bang, that’s the way
I think it looks like amogus instead(yeah i’m a zoomer)
Lua could possibly do this
Has someone made a library for that?
There is a National Wank Day in Norway?
In Italian it’s “vuvuvu”, ez
calls SISMI
Typical 'muricans being unable to comprehend anything besides English.
yes i was a r/2we4u user, how’d you know?
Why don’t they just send documents to wikileaks smh
You sir have won the Fediverse for today
“Tantum religio potuit suadere malorum”
koksu 5 gram