But… that’s how we get Battle Star Galactica… right?
“Beating a dead horse” is an old saying/idiom in the US meaning “that a particular effort is futile, being a waste of time without a positive outcome,” such as flogging/beating a dead horse, which will not compel it to do useful work. Maybe it didn’t land as well I thought it would.
Because they don’t have to beat it afterwards? 🤷🏾
Man I hate to say this but it’s probably because you don’t listen to the late 90’s music… what I listened to the is now considered classic/retro. I fell you OP I hope he is still too.
I will always upvote this comic. It always pulls a smile from me. Thanks op!
(Please Europe unify together when it comes to armies and reconnaissance) - signed concerned american we really after fumbling with the “football” no one wants dropped beside a select few sects