Because you were able to fuck the other guys moms so well?
Because you were able to fuck the other guys moms so well?
Where else are you going to suck balls… All day… Because you like it so much?
You can still get something like that.
Don’t worry, they mean the bed of their truck. The airflow at highway speeds ensure all crumbs are carried away immediately!
Their foil is pretty good at keeping stuff fresh too (as well as making good anti-mind-control hats)
Feels like a “render unto Caesar” non problem
I’m not sure the corporate lockdown will allow that, but I’ll look into it thanks.
My desktop isn’t a problem, but the Dell laptop issued by my employer is a pain. It can take over an hour to load the models I work on, so I only shut down over the weekend and sleep it weeknights. Every time some BS, probably hidden behind admin credentials by IBM will wake it up within 20 minutes. Luckily I’ve discovered pulling the power and leaving it in battery keeps it asleep.
When I had my house reinsulated last year I took the opportunity to run cables from every room to a small closet, and then a run from that closet to the router. Had some… experience, learning how to wire in the sockets, and right now only my office is connected with a bit of patch instead of the switch I’ll eventually need to get the other rooms live, but it’s so much more reliable than it was with WiFi or poweline. Not to mention that those technologies only just kept up with the 36Mb VDSL I’ve been stuck on for the last 10 years. Having ethernet means I’ll actually be able to get the most out of the 500Mb FttP I’m getting next month.
Or dads who refuse to change infants in their care because “peedo”
It’s definitely appearing as an option more on the pos terminals now that most people prefer to pay contactless rather than cash. I’ve only had one occasion where the gratuity was automatically added (ironically, on an occasion I would not tip because the service negatively impacted my meal and I had to strike it out) perhaps I’ve just been lucky.
What? No, we might not tip our petrol station attendants or barmaids, but it’s still been normal to tip table service for at least 30 years.
I had suspected RSV last Christmas, given my experience of both, I’d rather have had COVID again. Well, I’d rather have neither but I don’t get to choose.
I’ve only tested positive for it once, and that illness wasn’t even in the top 5 worst colds that year. I’ve had numerous shitty colds since, any one of them could have been Rona again, but I ether wasn’t infectious at the time I tested or it was after the point I stopped testing every sniffle.
There’s a chance I have it right now, but I don’t know if I can be bothered to grab a test when it will be done in a couple of days.
I’d take an updated booster if they offered me one, but my government is only offering them to over 50s.
I’m of the opinion* that once the majority has spike protein specific antibodies, occasional exposure to small viral loads (incidental contact) is probably a good thing for refreshing an immunity that might otherwise wane and allow a serious case to take root.
*I’m not an immunologist obviously, but I’ve previously read up on the clinical justification the NHS uses to recommend against widespread chicken pox vaccination
I put that out but the stupid chicken choked while I was looking for a YouTube video 4:42 long