As someone who’s mexican I encounter that more than one would think since I have 2 last names and it gets weird sometimes since I also have a middle name.
As someone who’s mexican I encounter that more than one would think since I have 2 last names and it gets weird sometimes since I also have a middle name.
And that’s for iceberg lettuce. Romain and it’s kind have loose leafs so a ton gets in there. Bok Choi too, I cook with it a lot and I see a bit of dirt in there all the time. I always give my veggies a good rinse.
The markets insane unfortunately. You can still find solid deals abroad though. I visited Japan and picked up all the original Gameboy Pokémon cartridges for 100 bucks total. Red, blue, green, yellow, gold and silver. All working and in like new condition. Got a mint original n64 controller plus rumble pack in Mexico for 8 bucks.
My issue with Scarlet funnily enough is that she’s Scarlet. She’s too big of a star to really meld into the majors role. I just felt like I was watching black widow on screen. Sorta spoilers for anyone who cares but
the majors body is full on robot so technically she could be any nationality and color but it would have fit better if they picked someone who fit her original motif since it sorta matters. With the whole, ghost in the machine thing. I’m a huge fan of the franchise and I’m sad that this was the big live action debut.
It’s survivorship bias combined with easily accessible media. Plenty of people died young back then but if it wasn’t family or close friends you might not have heard of it until years and years later if at all. Some might assume friends just drifted away, it’s life.
Same with appliances. People say old appliances were significantly better, and I understand in certain areas they might have been but if they were truly so great why aren’t old appliances all over the play, plenty of old people still alive that wouldn’t have bought new appliances just because.
Reminds me of going to Walmart and getting a free 30 dollar bike basket. The register person assumed it was my ‘bag’ cause I had the other stuff I was buying inside of it and didn’t scan it, they just passed it to the other side and chucked my stuff in there.
Also apparently their surveillance is so top notch that they help train police departments and stuff on the tech.
Apparently it’s a thing you can train them to do with a bit of effort. You cna train some birds too.
Unironically yea.
I was talking to my bud about the scoring system and how much of a sham it was she didn’t get at least a few for originality. Literally nobody else did some of the moves she did in the competition. I’m not saying they were good or bad but they sure as fuck were original.
I sorta laughed when I heard she had a PhD in breakdancing before seeing the performance and ridiculed her after but she manages to do what nobody else has done to this degree and that is to push breakdancing forward in the human conscience. So maybe she doesn’t deserve to be ridiculed for that PhD.
To add to this Qatar has some of the best ‘insert stat here’ because they only count Qatar citizens and it’s basically impossible to be one unless you’re born into it or marry into it iirc. They just don’t count immigrants or anyone else in those stats and treat anyone not of Qatar blood like garbage. The Stat that comes to mind is poverty, iirc 0 percent of Qataris live in poverty because the government subsidizes them which sounds great on paper but when you look into it only 11 percent of their population is counted as Qatari and the rest are just cheap labor they exploit.
They sorta are, plenty of options for cheap quality untilited phone plans out there even with international included and very few people actually need a state of the art 1k phone to make payments on.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not policing how people should spend their money. All I’m saying is that plans are from the past and don’t need to exist, like faxes.
Back in 2012 apple won a UI patent and we know how those megacorps do. No idea to what extent but that sorta stops any big contenders on copying them. The multi year contracts are a meme from the past but it’s the same sort of people who aren’t techliterate enough to learn a new UI, that keep with the contracts.
See my other comment.
Tldr: Parents make sure to teach their kids not to shit on the ground.
A little. Hands on parenting is what they need. I made sure my baby brother is tech literate when my mom is 100 percent not. He just graduated highschool this year. Sure some of the blame is on tech but kids don’t know how to shit in a toilet either and parents make damn sure they learn as quickly as possible.
Can’t really blame them either, it was our generation that dropped the ball in making sure they were more tech literate than us. Not that I have kids but still.
As someone who’s used and uses both for work and isn’t a fanboy of either, sorry but apple does not have an easy to learn interface. It seems like every single choice they made was done to just be different from the alternative, more often than not to the detriment of the user. If they lock people in to how their ecosystem works low tech people can’t easily change.
Not sure on the stick but on the roku TV you just press the options button when you’re watching something and it’s right there in the CC settings.
As much as I dislike roku that’s one of the nice features it has.
Something that could happen in Mexico for a name is Juan Maria as a first, Guillermo David as a middle and Gonzales De Mercado as a last name. Technically 7 words and totally a thing but not common at all, anymore at least.