Call it what it is - copyright infringement. Piracy is the act of robbery on the high seas, but we’ve allowed media companies to take a shit in our vocabularies so we can’t call things by their proper names.
Looks at UTorrent happily leeching away
Looks at camera
I never see anything useful from these alpha types - they don’t post about what they’ve made, how they solved a problem, what new things they have learned, nothing. Just self-aggrandisement and shitting on people they deem lesser.
Do what Apple did - take the BSD kernel and build the userland on top of it. NT is fucked beyond repair, let it die.
There’s actually an IRL version called a Bilikum, or friendship jugs.
It was on literally every third video, regardless of context.
Technically difficult thing is technically difficult, let’s blame John Linux for not making a big red “host server” button.
When I watched youtube on my phone, logged into my google profile, I got generic TV ads for women’s hair care products.
I am a bald man.
I’ve read Xenia’s rant and agree with it 100%.The only thing missing is something about media servers and self-hosting.
You cannot fix me, for I am not broken.
For the last time, you are not obliged to interact with corporate silo media.
Yeah, people not recognizing Elmo is a special kind of pain.
A site goes to shit when everyone and their grandma hops on it. At the risk of sounding elitist, I would prefer to a part of the userbase that hasn’t been Eternal Septembered into the lowest common denominator.
I don’t want TikTokers on the Fediverse, thankyouverymuch.
Mobile phones haven’t been around long enough to be a part of the Dreamlands, wait a couple of decades, maybe a powerful Dreamer introduces them.
“Freedom is when you let foreign governments spy on your citizens”
Lazy stereotyping and wojaks, man that is a bottom tier “community”.
People get most of their info about Sparta from that stupid comic. Athens was a slave state as well, but was basically the foundation of Western culture. All we got from Sparta are a couple of cocky one liners.
And here I am, not giving a fuck about competitive online PvP.
Knowing someone biblically is a well known euphemism, what are you talking about?