If you haven’t already you may wish to read The Humanure Handbook by Joe Jenkins. It outlines a practical diy composting toilet system that is low-odor and sanitary when maintained properly.
If you haven’t already you may wish to read The Humanure Handbook by Joe Jenkins. It outlines a practical diy composting toilet system that is low-odor and sanitary when maintained properly.
Kefir is also an option. It incubates at room temperature. Just need a scoby, container and milk.
This. I’ve watched too many people I care about suffer horribly and die prematurely from largely preventable illnesses. My own health went to hell from some genetic predispositions until I worked out I could absolutely not tolerate a standard American diet. Obviously some people can get away with it more than others for longer. But that’s not me. Found I wanted more life and a better quality of life. Fortunately I had the resources to change my diet and lifestyle. I realize that is a luxury not available to everyone.
Robert Loggia and David Lynch have something to say about this:
“What’s all this sectarian racket then? We don’t get Buddhists playing bagpipes in our bathroom or Hindus harmonizing in the hall! The Shintoists don’t come here shattering sheet glass in the sh__house and shouting slogans-”
Just assumed he was incognito at a “wizards only fools” sort of place.
It’s shocking to see the assault on libraries across Appalachia. Sad to see it’s a broader problem. For as little finding as they require they provide critical services. So many nasty politicos trying to win some points with the lowest common denominators of humanity must see them as an easy target.
I’m ever astonished at the variety of deep fried stuff at Appalachian festivals and fairs. All these stalls trying to one-up the rest with the lengths they are willing to go into hot fat depravity. Grease-boiled confections and savories of every niche. A healthcare nightmare. But this is a region steeped in despair. It’s tough to heap blame on folks giving up.
Needs more grapefruit.
Hmm. Mouse is corrupted by the influence of the ring, escapes. “In place of a Dark lord, you will have a squeaky king! All shall love my little whiskers and despair!”
Oh no. It’s getting hit on the head lessons in here.
Once, I used a bunch of plastic storage bins as a bedframe. Properly elevated bed, plus a lot of storage.
This is my speculation too. Been super-sick a number of times. Always swabbed negative. Anecdotally, I know folks that tested a lot more often and only came back with a positive on the 4th try or so when feeling ill. The fine-print of my at-home tests say they’re only something like 76% accurate. Maybe I need to play the odds.
Somebody explain this to the trees that drop millions of nuts in the surrounding forest every few years skyrocketing not only rodent populations but also their parasites; ticks, chiggers, fleas. Predators are here, but they can’t seem to catch up to the mouse output.
Same boat. It took my health totally imploding to galvanize my resolve to look closely at what I might do and do it. I lost 115 lbs and have kept it off 22 years this summer. Managed to resolve all my metabolic health problems and vastly improve some unrelated ones. My quality of life improved in many ways. A tough row to hoe. Yet totally worthwhile for me anyway. And I do recognize there is a privilege in being able to devote the resources to one’s health. I know it’s far tougher for lots of folks. And certainly more so now than a couple decades ago.
Yes! Those channel knobs were so easily broken. I thought we were the only ones turning channels with pair of vice-grips clamped on the nub.
This reminds me of a recent meme pushing back against the “greed is human nature” narrative. Was something like:
“If you see a bear riding a bicycle at the circus, do you assume it is the nature of bears to ride bicycles?”
Also frequently hear the same argument made for any change to the thoroughly corrupt healthcare scheme in the U.S.
That any form of socialized medicine would collapse the insurance industries putting thousands out of work and damaging stock portfolios and retirement accounts that may have invested in such. But hey, it’s totally ok to bankrupt tons of citizens and enslave ill folks to lousy jobs because they can’t afford to lose employment-tied insurance that would never be affordable as an individual.
Was just having a conversation about the phrase “selling out”. Seems you don’t hear it used much anymore. I reckon that’s because the concept is seen as more of a life skill now than some despicable practice. But I feel sure it would be argued I’m just jealous of those sweet living wages.