Can I get some enterprising North Koreans to steal my identity so that I can put their work experience on my CV?
This is true of current gen air combat, but I’m speculating about a future where dogfighting once again becomes the only way to achieve air superiority.
Oh I never said it would be humans piloting the sixth gen dogfighters. They’re gonna be drones designed to withstand sustained 20G turns to be able to get their guns on target, commanded from something like an AWACS.
Stealth becomes obsolete
Missile defenses get better
BVR combat becomes basically impossible
Everybody always knows where everybody else is
Sixth generation fighters Retvrn to being purpose-built dogfighters/interceptors
Death to Israel, from the river to the sea Palestine will be free.
DOOM can’t run inside a CAPTCHA!
If course Blastoise would be a cop.
Not like anarchist queen Charizard or vegan king Venusaur.
Too much information from too many places and too much of it is wrong.
nationalize the cartels
Something tells me that the cartels wouldn’t just let the government do this, and then you’re right back to square one where the Mexican government is fighting against them.
I think they did at one point, but during the plot he’s the only one and he’s working unpaid overtime, because he warned them when he signed his original contract that the system they wanted needed more engineers and more time but they didn’t listen and then threatened him into working for free when the system wasn’t ready at the end of his original contract. This is the direct reason why he committed the corporate espionage that caused the whole park to go fubar.
Both the Americans and the Soviets went to a jet turbine on their MBT at around the same time, but the Russians decided it wasn’t worth it with the next generation and went back to diesel.
It offers a lot of power in a smaller and lighter package than an equivalent diesel engine, but it tells you something about how much of an advantage that really winds up being when the later Abramses all added batteries to shore up the biggest weakness of the turbine engine (large fuel consumption at idle) and the Russians went back to diesel engines with the T-90.
The Red Army stopped the Holocaust and saved the world from fascism while the western powers were playing with their dicks in Africa. They only invaded France after it became clear that Soviet victory was inevitable in order to prevent Western Europe from being liberated from capitalism.
I thought you had posted an article that was weirdly spinning the story about the UK monarch to be an anti-China hit piece until I got to
National Security Adviser Chen Weihua
Took me till about halfway to get it, nice.