Well it was worth a shot
Well it was worth a shot
Scramble em in a glass cup and pour that into the pan. Might work better
Because older people tend to flip it on and leave it on with no intention to change lanes or turn anywhere
Praytell how old are you?
Yeah assuming tech gets that far before imploding
Symbolicly throwing away years of trivial information that may or may not be dredged up later in life
Good let them keep believing that
No, no, and fer sher dude
You, concert ticket buyer
And yet, you pay for her priviledge. Is your arm ever sore for the twisting of it?
Not all of them. i wouldn’t call buying a concert ticket exploitation. Pricing them to astronomical heights, yeah. The only person responsible for parting with their moneys is the Self.
Ask yourself how that billionaire was made first
They’re thought about all the time. So far only one person made it past that.
They all should be paying attention
To most governments and some private citizens, violence is a tool
Imagine the brouhaha if it were musk or bezos. All the justice felt over this is just venting with no effect on IRL events. Matter of fact, his job will likely be filled sooner rather than later. This will be just a minor blip on the big screen of history
That’s not abuse, that’s remediation of a political lynching wholly motivated by the butthurt babies in congress
They are both editable