What about a really dull guillotine?
One that takes ten or fifteen drops to do any real damage?
Canada supplies the US with a tonne of raw materials and oil so he’s about to find out.
This is a great and nuanced comment.
Comments like this are the reason I keep coming back to Lemmy.
I was waiting for the guy to get slammed into the table.
No, I don’t want to talk about that backstory.
Oh man, that sounds as messy as that time me and my partner tried anal after living on whiskey and Taco Bell for a week.
It’s for eighteen and under so it’s not fake.
They’d do it intentionally to try to get higher.
Fun fact, you’re still celebrating the sun’s rebirth.
It’s not the fucking, it’s the crying that comes after good sex.
But the US doesn’t make Canada or Mexico regularly feel like they need to join a defensive alliance to protect themselves from the US.
Canada is a NATO member but Ukraine isn’t a CSTO member.
This was an invasion that did not need to happen.
Russia had no reason to invade Ukraine in the first place.
Don’t tell me how to live my life.
What a waste of sperm.
Just drink until your liver feels better.
God damn I always forget how hot that redhead is.
I’m still waiting for Sean Hannity to get waterboarded like he promised he would.
I bet I could make him confess to the JFK assassination in about thirty-five seconds.