Someone should get the Hardly Boys on the case of the stolen Creedence tapes. Pretty sure little Larry knows something.
Someone should get the Hardly Boys on the case of the stolen Creedence tapes. Pretty sure little Larry knows something.
Somebody get the UN on the phone, they’re going to want to hear this.
I have not the slightest idea of what this references, and I think the meme might be funnier because of it.
You’re right, but let us use our heads for a moment:
When someone hears worldnews, they think current articles, not potentially outdated articles.
This article belonged on worldnews four months ago.
I feel like I’m taking crazy pills. Let’s make a community called /c/FourMonthOldNews where you, and at least one other, can post old news articles.
You’re worshipping the 24 hour news cycle instead of actually understanding current geopolitics.
Your assumption is way off base. I worship nothing. I try to read reputable sources, though have been known to be lazy and not do that.
I don’t think that you understand what we are trying to say. This community is for current world news. As in, current articles. An old article being related to current events is not what belongs in worldnews.
People don’t usually post 4 month old articles to news communities. That is why it’s weird.
This is the way
Its a scientific fact that I can’t drive 55.
Oh no, anyways.
But don’t demand stupid things like minimum wage
Wow. Let’s come back to reality for a moment.
There are millions out there that cannot afford to make themselves employable. They work long hours, possibly two jobs, plus a hustle just to not make enough for ends to meet. How do they go back to school? Learn a trade?
I am one of them, except I haven’t found my hustle yet. I work 40+ hours each week, but I take home so little. I was able to make rent two days ago, for last months rent. I have to hold off on a one of my meds, because paying rent took precedent over everything else, again. People like me don’t give a shit about programs that cannot help us in the short term. We already know our long term: work until we die, with nothing to show for it.
We could turn down the heat, so that the frogs might be able to escape their boiling fate? No, let’s design a better pot that won’t boil the frogs. The ones in there now won’t make it, but their progeny will also likely…not make it.
You ought to check yourself before you call what can be a major relief for millions, stupid. Seriously.
Bruh, I was asking about pics of the event, not videos.
Pics or it didn’t happen
I was going to suggest doing it yourself, but it is a bit involved.
Unlikely. Part of why gold is so valuable is its inertness. It doesn’t corrode or rust, which makes it great for electronics.
Bah gawd! That man has a family!
Absolutely agree! Anything short of Biden flexing the muscle of the largest military on Earth will not work to stop the genocide. This should have been the “carry a big stick” moment 99 days ago.
Two young whipper-snappers with a knack for solving mysteries!