Search is also completely broken on YouTube. It’s become useless.
Search is also completely broken on YouTube. It’s become useless.
Or mobile websites that ask you to install “apps”
In this case, I wouldn’t even call Luigi a killer. He’s a hero, if any.
And then the back button in your browser can’t take you back anymore.
And we know their names and surnames, especially for CEOs.
Luckily, bullets outnumber evil CEOs.
I don’t want to advocate violence too, but there’s going to be a next CEO, and somebody must keep renting bikes.
Violence towards the evil power can be good. See the French Revolution.
No, they didn’t even use the space to separate words. Take a look at any Roman inscription in Italy, there are no spaces between the words (just like there are no silent pauses between spoken words).
Akchtually, Finland is not a Scandinavian country properly.
¿Porqué no los dos? A nice \r\n, Windows style.
Thanks for asking! Dying is the solution for everything. It’s the best solution. Humans must die for a variety of reasons.
I feel that they still spray it with water, even if not thoroughly, just to remove the biggest pieces of dirt. But I may be wrong.
Yeah, I also don’t get it. I don’t stir pasta, maybe once in the middle. It never sticks.
Too bad Insomnium quickly became a dead project. Luckily, Bruno and its file-based projects are perfect.
PurelyMail is a great and cheap service. It’s like $10 per year. You just set up some records (MX and TXT) on your domain provider and that’s it.
You could also self-host email, but then you need a server that’s always powered on and it adds much complexity, so I suggest to use a managed service instead.
The good thing about using your own domain is that you’re not tied to any service. You could migrate to any other provider (such as ProtonMail, FastMail, etc.) without ever changing your email address on all services.
In Italian, butterfly, bowtie and the kind of pasta are all called “farfalla”. Which has come first, though?
Sommerfugl (bird of summer) in Danish :)
SponsorBlock also comes by default on SmartTubeNext for Android TV.
Exactly. Why bother paying? Firefox + uBlock Origin on the computer, SmartTube Next on Android TV, ReVanced on Android phone. I haven’t been seeing ads on YouTube for years.