4 days agoThey say “Every child has a right to education.”
And then behave as if it’s “Every child has a responsibility to be educated.”
So yeah, while I absolutely think education in itself is vital, I do get peeved when they immediately lie by changing what they do versus what they say.
By they, I mean outdated education boards of self-absorbed twits who grew up decades earlier and have no real grasp of what today’s generation needs.
In ATLA, there’s an infamous episode called The Great Divide.
Aang tells a lie to get two tribes to stop fighting a pointless feud that’s been going on a hundred years or so. And the fandom seems to get all huffy about that.
I think he did the right thing. If there’s nothing to prove he’s lying about how the feud began, then there’s nothing to prove about why it should continue either.