•API Misuse: Hacker Leaks 2.6M Duolingo Users' Emails & Names
1 year agoThis isn’t surprising, a user found out how to abuse the API to progress without doing lessons by just submitting the expected parameters last year. If they followed through on reporting to Duo then they’ve had plenty of time to address it. Seems like the mod also found out how vulnerable Duo was and took it to it’s natural conclusion.
A lot of nuance will be missed without some gradation between “I <3 China” and “Down with Pooh!” For example, if we added “Slightly favorable”, “Neutral”, and “Slightly unfavorable” we would begin to see just how favorable younger generations are. Rather than presume there is a deep divide on trade policy, if two bars are almost equal, we may see they are largely neutral. Similarly we could see just how favorable their views of TikTok really are by looking at the spread between neutral to “I <3 China!”