They’re good eatin’
They’re good eatin’
This is like the second terrible take I’ve seen from the iusearchlinux.fyi instance in a span of minutes holy shit.
What about the pedophiles story? where he had two young girls who were not his wards in a hotel room for some innocent reason
doing something as drastic as this requires a pretty compelling reason
I’ve already had a couple people immediately retort “wow mental health is scary”, then say “nobody will remember his name”.
These people will shamelessly undermine any action then act disappointed that these actions are quickly ignored.
Yeah I actually just prefer the command line, I’ve never had to force myself to use it. I even tried using VSC for a bit recently but i couldn’t get myself to like it. I just use nvim with some plugins in a tmux session now and its productive as hell.
Of course I don’t browse the web with the command line. For merging branches, I always merge main into the working branch first, check conflict files, and go through the file finding the diffs and resolving them. I’ve used merge tools before that were sorta nice but I had my own issues with them.
Maybe it’s the type of programming I do. I don’t do any web stuff, so file count is down. For larger code bases I keep a non editor terminal up and will grep -re
for word/phrase searching, find
to look for specific files, etc. I’ll occasionally use an IDE, typically eclipse based because embedded, but I don’t find myself missing the features they add.
Thanks for the explanation, that does sound useful.
That’s fair, there’s plenty of uses for source control.
I was speaking from a programming context though, as this is a programming community.
I really never understood why one would need a GUI for git except for visualizing branches.
I feel like I’m crazy seeing so many people using clicky buttons for tracking files. I need like 4 commands for 95% of what I do and the rest you look up.
You’re already programming! Just learn the tool!
And now there’s a github CLI tool? I hate to beat a dead horse but Microsoft pushing their extended version of an open source tool/protocol is literally the second step of their mantra.
Programming humor on reddit used to be excellent bits like this but then it devolved into new learners jumping straight to the irony they didn’t understand and flooded the sub with nonsense.
I miss these bits.
btw it does get easier
import math
def is_even(num):
if num in [i for i in range(1000) if float(i)/2.0 == math.floor(float(i)/2.0)]:
Obviously one would need to increase the range for bigger numbers but this code is optimized.
A typo in the first paragraph of the article in a wiki wont make the 5th paragraph tear down the entire wiki.
I should take another look into it. Thanks!
Web assembly isn’t quite the same as a js frontend though, is it?
It’s typically for complex single page apps and has some weirdness with normal usecases, no?
I could be wrong but I was looking into it a few months ago and it seemed immature.
a front-end language
I love rust but this requires killing the web app and using basic html. which i’m also pro.
Its not dead simple but its also not extremely complex.
I’m currently working with some interns and there’s just concepts they were never exposed to. Without decent mentoring, git can be difficult because a lot of the workflow does come with experience.
That being said everyone needs to stop acting like its an impossible task to properly do source control. There is some truth that if you don’t care enough to do your source control, you don’t care enough to write decent code. Its not a moral failing, just take some pride in your craft.
Show the newbies how to care and they’ll care enough to want to do it right. Measure twice, cut once and all that.
The endless packaging solutions for python is exactly the flaw that they’re talking about.
Packaging a python application to work over an air-gap is extremely painful. Half the time its easier to make a docker container or VM just to avoid the endless version mismatch pain.
I found a brother laser printer for 8 bucks at a thrift store and it printed with linux over USB as soon as I got it home without any tweaking.
I then directly networked it to a raspberry pi, configured it with cups and shared the printer over my network. Every device was able to discover it instantly and I can print from anything, android phone, ipad, mac, linux laptop, etc.
It’s absolutely freeing. I found an OEM toner cartridge for like 30 bucks, so I have like 2000 bw prints ready to go for like 40 dollars all in.
Damn had to call both my senators. I always hate calling because I have no doubt that it wont do anything.
They’re gonna wish they did a Xiajiang style re-educate and release style program. Boys have been born in this camp, aged out of the women and children camp, and put straight into a prison with adult men who were doing actual terrorism.
Basically an extremism factory, almost as if it was done on purpose.