That’s why everyone said aid through the road would be better and more reliable from the beginning. But then the US would actually have to make Israel do something substantive.
That’s why everyone said aid through the road would be better and more reliable from the beginning. But then the US would actually have to make Israel do something substantive.
I think there was crazy inflation in some countries during the Arab Spring, too. Which also makes it hard to get food.
Hopefully they feel vindicated when everyone sanctions Isreal.
There’s hypothetically a bunch of different version of communism for everyone. The thing is, Marx described the problems with capitalism, and some vague sense of what socialism could be, some guidelines of what it should aim for, then kind of left the details up to each individual society to get there how they think is best based on their individual material conditions. He gave his own guesses, but didn’t think he could predict that part fully, it would be up to the people of the future to figure it out and build on. A third world country, rural serf based near fuedal society, like Russia, would have completely different needs from some post-industrial country, like if Germany turned communist, for example. If the world’s sole superpower, the US, turned communist, it would probably be a lot different than communist countries that had to transition under siege neighboring imperialism, like Cuba, North Korea, or Vietnam.
This is just to answer your last question. Don’t think this really addresses your other questions, but just wanted to explain that part, as I’ve had it explained to me before. But I generally agree with you. There should still be some form of democracy but it might look different than what we are used to here in the US or liberal west.
Literature Cafe also looks like it has a community for that if we want to spread things out from world a bit. (Which I think we should at some point.)
Same thing with Biden lol. Obama interfered hard to get him elected during the primary. He’s not great, but he’s been surprisingly better than Trump (in every way but the genocide thing and immigration) so hopefully she’s better than expected, too!
They’ve also been heavily investing in green tech for years way more than the US, so it’s probably related.
Seriously, we already left Saudi Arabia get away with chopping up a journalist for a US publication for that reason. And have a base in Iraq. And ostensibly Pakistan is our ally. And Turkey is in NATO. How many allies do we need in that area? And why do they all have to be terrible?
They may not have done the biggest atrocities that were rumored, but they still purposefully kidnapped civilians, which I’m pretty sure is a war crime.
They have to maintain some veneer of legitimacy for international audience as well. They’re not going to nuke Gaza lol. Other than that, they’re going at a pretty damn good click, though. They got down to only one major city left and Northern Gaza is completely uninhabitable.
That part is true. It is usually extremely difficult to prove. It’s why the case on whether it’s genocide can take years. And why people saying the ICC hasn’t said its 100% genocide yet aren’t arguing in good faith. They said it’s plausible, which is already huge. Anything more wasn’t realistic, as it will take them most likely literal years to finish the case out, but we can call it as we see it before then.
In this case, it’s still okay for everyone else to say it because we don’t have to prove it legally, and it’s pretty obvious to the eye and ear with the mountain of evidence given by South Africa. Luckily, Israeli government officials and soldiers have said openly many statements basically proving that they want to do a genocide. They’ve called Palestinians animals, compared Gaza to Amalek, said they need to erase the Gaza strip from the earth, said there are no involved civilians, been encouraging another ethnic cleansing through emigration as well (“If there are 100,000 or 200,000 Arabs in Gaza and not 2 million Arabs, the entire discussion on the day after will be totally different.”), etc. Those quotes and statements have always helped me feel more comfortable calling it what it is.
Ooh will the link be broken half the time for extra Stack Overflow experience?
Hope you’re right!
No, this definitely seems different and new from all the recent articles about it I’ve seen. This vote passed Wednesday, not in December. It’s a response to the protests at universities. And it’s a bill, so it can be passed into law. I think you’re confusing two different things.
This expands the definition of antisemitism to bring critical of Israel at all or comparing Zionism to Nazism, and would codify it into law if it, passes the Senate and is signed by the President. So there is still time to stop this, and it’s a big deal, so people should be angry about it.
That’s the one thing, I really want more niche communities. Not sure if we just need more people or community discovery needs to be easier. I’d like to see more with the league of legends community and Meet Your Maker community, and I’m sure other people have niche video games or other small hobby communities they’d like to see take off more.
For 1) That’s funny because other people have said that about lemmy.world. Lemmy.world and sh.itjustwor.ks were defederated from Beehaw during the Reddit exodus for that very reason.
It definitely isn’t enough to feed the constant content addiction I had with Reddit, but I’ve found that kind of a good thing lol. I’ve started reading books and comics on my phone, getting out of bed faster, working on other projects, etc. It’s like using a less toxic version to wean off, like using vapes or patches to get off cigarettes.
I remember hearing about that one as I was leaving Reddit. I was between that and Tildes, but ended up settling on Lemmy and Kbin. Glad to hear they’re still surviving.
You seem nice. Wish I could give you a hug!
An old American tradition to not run a primary during a President’s second term who is running for office. I guess it’s supposed to help unify the party behind a proven winner or something. That’s mostly it. Liberals love traditions, guidelines, and rules more than anyone.