Unrelated, I know, but I’m really interested in your antu-OOP-ness. I don’t think I’ve heard anyone say they’re anti a concept like this yet
Unrelated, I know, but I’m really interested in your antu-OOP-ness. I don’t think I’ve heard anyone say they’re anti a concept like this yet
The message of the comic strip is that democracy doesn’t guarantee the best results.
Even if I don’t vote to kill me, everyone else can vote to kill me.
I think it’s really pretty color inverted! Luckily, I’m not having trouble reading it, either- my eyes thank you.
I choose to believe no one is this particularly misinformed.
It’s really funny bait, though
Wow, I can’t believe doom is so young! It’s been a cultural juggernaut my entire life, so it’s weird to think of Doom as “releasing.”
Burdle der warter?? Uh hardly evun knew the wurtur!
I dunno, but it’d be funny
Yeah lmao. They already gave up the game in another comment here.
…I tried my girlfriends jeans on my high school because I am a woman. We are not the same :3
What a shit post lmao
…unless you’re serious, in which case, we should consider humanity’s tendency to categorize things. Gender expression and identify are very much bimodal and not binary.
No. it’s just an immature position
I, too, thought this was about your sex life
the only funny jeme
Mustache but frown is funnier.
Alright, then. I’ve read, like, a few Python tutorials. I thought OOP was more of a way to do things if it makes sense to. Like using a for loop vs a while loop, just on like, a language and code structure level. I didn’t realize most people didn’t like it? I hardly even know what it is lol. It’s just that I’ve not heard someone explicitly be against it. I didn’t even consider it a thing people would be pro- or anti- lmao