Basically Homelander from the boys
Lucky bastard, no need to go around bragging
Oh thank god, I was so worried, if you left so would I. It’s amz to know that thanks you
Hahaha ce la vi
It it legal? I remember when China’s tech giants started infighting and the party ended up dividing them and phorbiding them to do so.
They where creating tech exclusive for their devices and internally block all other out.
I just figured if we aren’t doing it here there should be a reason. (Apple appart)
Edit:guys what I’m saying matters the orthographic mistakes can be easily attribute to my lack of interest in writing the proper queen’s English when any shit will do
Tbh I think the top of the mountain was infinity war. I never heard such silence as I did in the scene when gamora asks, what did it cost
If I go up and down a bit it eventually charges. Try it
He’s French. But at least he’s having a laugh with his neighbours in a daily basis I bet
You know you could have used Malta and it would actually make sense
I’m listening to Behemoth, and I’m buying a bass speaker on my way so they hear me comming.
The fact that you just called it the devil’s lettuce makes me think you didn’t
Leave me alone
I think he means one like Norway or Sweden. Not impossible, yes not perfect but I’ll be damed if you say it’s not working for them.
Shit man I would love to hear how you would stop power concentration in communism or any other form of government…
Oh for fuck sake, yes when I say planet I mean the delicate ecosystem that supports all life. See even better I still get downvoated by shit heads
Tbh as a Climat activist who grew up surrounded by deniers …yhe… the feeling of hopeless is strong. But hey I have been seeing slow and gradual change, when things are getting bad.
At least in your scenario (at the moment) when they go down we might be able to reverse the worse consequences. Unlike climate where we probably just fucked.
Oh almost like if in capitalism they didn’t say that oligarchys are a problem. What we needed is to send these giants down.
That would prove difficult considering money rules, you can make people do you bidding, make them disappear and suffer little to no consequences.
So what we needed is a decent anti-monopoly, anti-oligarchy force.
Just like when the us gov dismantled AT&T into thousands of smaller different cervices and that created things like mobile rputhers and etc.
Soo the, Google at this point is putting down more inovatjon that he is bringing it to the table.
Problem is not capitalism, it’s all that power centered in the same place. Almost like a dictatorship.
The stones will ???