You should put files on the cloud that meet the two following criteria:
This could include your hobbyist cad drawings, your twilight fan fic, or anything else that you need or don’t want to lose but has very little value to bad actors.
Is cloud storage a new concept to you? Have you not heard of iCloud or Google drive? Cloud backups make a lot of sense for a lot of people. Just don’t put sensitive information on there.
They’re not really in need of rescue though, they’re on the ISS. Their return vehicle is just a pile of garbage. Thanks again, Boeing.
I never said that you said those things. You said you were the last generation to understand technology and not just use it, which is quite frankly ridiculous and untrue - especially for anyone with work ethic and intelligence.
Get off your high horse old man. Millennials were born into technology, molded by it. We live and breathe it, and also grew up in a world where things most definitely did not just work.
I think you significantly underestimate the ingenuity and problem solving abilities of the younger generations. My Gen Z coworkers are extremely smart and hard working and understand how things work just as well, if not better than older generations.
That’s magical.
Gitlab has a checkbox for squashing merge requests into a single commit. Not sure if GitHub has that too.
Nah, you just need to be really specific in the requirements you give it. And if the scope of work you’re asking for is too large you need to do the high level design and decompose it into multiple parts for chatgpt to implement.
What does that have to do with pouring grease down the drain? Whether you agree with landlords or not it’s objectively not the right thing to do and if anything will just be a pain in the ass for the next tenant
Don’t worry, it’s fiction. It’s not real. No actual planets were harmed in the making of this game.
Did your brain die? Did you get reincarnated? If not, you’re the same you.
I think it really just comes down to scale. Relative to other professions there aren’t that many software engineers, but the work produced by each one has the potential to reach an extremely wide user base. Someone working at Google could write code that gets deployed on a billion devices. This is pretty clear when comparing between different software engineering roles as well. Companies that serve a global market pay significantly better than local companies.
On top of that, there’s no supplies or logistics required for software engineering. It just takes one person and a computer, so expenses are minimal compared to other engineering disciplines.
That’s only true if people that work in offices reproduce at a higher rate than the general population, and I’m not entirely sure that’s the case. If anything, societal trends have shown that in more developed countries where office work would be more common people are having fewer kids and populations are starting to decline.
True. I was thinking of the selective pressures of nature, but there are absolutely still self imposed selective forces acting on our species.
Natural selection hasn’t really applied to humans for thousands of years. We beat nature when we created civilizations. Which is partly why some of these less than ideal genetic traits go unchecked now in the population.
It’s not the same thing. Sometimes there are rules/conditions in the pipeline you need to test. Sometimes there are child pipelines. There really should be a way to simulate a pipeline run locally.
In theory, but if he tried to liquidate all of his Amazon stock at once it’s very unlikely he would get that much for it. The price of the stock would crash.
I think that’s just decorations.
Just because she was ok with it when you first started dating doesn’t mean she has to accept it forever. That is a lot of money to spend on a a hobby. Especially if you guys haves shared finances, it’s reasonable to make financial decisions together, and to cut back spending if it’s excessive or find ways to compromise.