Intel has not halted sales or clawed back any inventory. It will not do a recall, period. The company is not currently commenting on whether or how it might extend its warranty.
Intel has not halted sales or clawed back any inventory. It will not do a recall, period. The company is not currently commenting on whether or how it might extend its warranty.
There you go:
# Start an infinite loop because True will always be True
while True:
# try to run the main function, usually where everything happens
# in the case an exception is raised in the main function simply discard (pass) and restart the loop
For those curious about the drama & lack of wide adoption surrounding the walrus operator
It’s a shame because it’s a really nice feature.
I started using hatch lately and really like how I can manage everything from the pyproject.toml file
My secret to high uptime:
while True:
Leslie has been dead for the past 14 years (sadly) it’s no surprise that a lot of people don’t know about him.
Edit: oh… I get it now… Damn
I know the language is really academics focused and is really strong in that sense. Otherwise I found that it was a great language for long running services. I use it for some APIs and algorithm trading bots.
I’m debating putting more hours into it, maybe trying a website in genie, but I agree the current ecosystem makes it a hard sell when I can use python instead.
Or, hear me out, .step files. It’s an ISO standard so you know it should be the same across all 3D modeling softwares with lots of support.
I don’t know if no one mentioned Julia because it’s considered popular enough or because it’s really not popular but… Julia for sure.
Have great pyr become more popular in the last few years? I see them a lot lately, and I’m all for it.
Cheap house but get a subscription to a gym/sport activity with the money you saved so you have social interactions?
Same, started having issue with a docking station on my laptop with 6.7. It’s so niche to my configuration that finding an answer has proven impossible. Now I need to reboot every time I plug in my dock or else I have no external monitors.
I simply change my keyboard layout. Auto-scramble a simple phrase.
That is a great explanation of how you solved it, thanks! I should go back to it and conquer that puzzle properly without a solver. Or at least try.
Advent of code 2023 day 24 part 2. Z3 solver saved the day on that one.
Now I have PTSD every time I see an hailstorm.
Really looks like the truck from jeepers creepers.
Edit: yup,
Look, I’m not saying that this meme shows a pickup truck for a reason but yeah, pickup trucks.
One of the most known programming tool is built on Ruby, Github.
git rebase -i --root
git commit --amend --no-edit
git push --force
Linus? 'That you?