Thats not how you promote tourism
Thats not how you promote tourism
That fuckhead is so scared of a conviction for his corruption case he is willing to kill a million ppl… that fucker is creating a new terrorist army with the illusion that he will extermi….sorry genocide them by killing innocent ppl. Fucker needs to be mussolinied
Ah… election year isnt it?
Hey at least its nice that they said they have the right to………
Thats nice, from the country with the most polluted cities (air) on the planet.
Forget about it?? That question was so stupid i did it immediately. Picture of a lightbulb not working…haha… ok…here
Once had a defective led lightbulb and they asked for a picture of it not working… ???
Doesnt matter if its false flag or not. Pooptin is gonna use it as ammo against Ukraine.
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This all sounds veeeerry formulier, just like something like this happened before some time ago. So weird……
“ I’m suspicious of people who don’t like dogs, but I trust a dog when it doesn’t like a person.” Bill Murray
Yeah thats what i mean a tldr but from ppl that know shit :)
I read comments first mostly because a lot of posted articles are behind a paywall or i have to turn off my adblockers and maybe someone posted a tldr
Want to know whose drones they are? Shoot them down… someone will complain
“ As someone who had part of a fireworks display literally drop on their head 6 days ago: Yeah, it looks cool, but everything that goes up, has to go down eventually. Might want to keep that in mind when handing out rockets left, right and center.”
Ok so we should just ban everything then? Because that always works?
“ Never thought about where “betütteln” originated from but now that you mention it: Yep, that sounds like something a “swamp German” would say.”
Yeah its funny how many of these kinda words end up almost the same in german/swedish/dutch. Then again swamp germans? Haha
No we wont. We are making some of the same mistakes as other countries do like make it more and more and more illegal instead of loosening some of the drug laws. But here the goverment thinks if something is a little bad (even fireworks or some trivial shit) we need to outlaw it immediately make it more illegal. We tend to want to ban everything that even a small group complains about (and i mean like 100 ppl or something) because that always works… right? But then again the government was mostly conservatives and old grey christians. (Maybe that will change /s) Oh i forgot, we are not the relaxed country anymore that we were 20’years ago. Now they just want more more more more MORE laws because, well thats the sollution to everything? We call it “betutteling” and its rampend
Which one tho