It was like soft-PPV because you needed Netflix. But, yeah, not old-school PPV by a long shot
It was like soft-PPV because you needed Netflix. But, yeah, not old-school PPV by a long shot
Exactly what Super Earth requires. Nice work, Helldiver
What is Trebuchet 8? I didn’t see it in the play store for my Galaxy Flip 4.
Best I can find is it’s pre coupled with lineage is and you can extract it from the OS or some such but beyond that I’m lost
That’s the launcher I use. It’s the best available from what I can find
If you dive into Nova’s settings, you should be able to make a backup of your setup. Should just be able to restore your backup. That said, I don’t use Nova much to confirm but that should be how it works
Edit: Dur I’m dumb. If you don’t uninstall Nova, you can just swap between launchers because they’re just apps. No backup needed as long as Nova doesn’t get uninstalled
I’ve got Launcher 10. It’s my favorite of the WP10 likes I’ve seen and used. And I’ve used a ton lol
I use Launcher 10. Close enough to a Windows Phone
What launcher are you using currently? I have Launcher 10 but I’m always looking for a new WP10 styled one to use
I actually use Launcher 10. I love it minus the weird glitch where the letter selector from the all apps list occasionally not working. Best Android Launcher around
RIP in peace Windows Phone 10. Still the best home screen setup ever.
Was gonna say that sounds about right for a Ferrari Mechanic 😂
Or just… Idk… Signing out of your Amazon account and not having it autofill a password?