Developing that tech is going to be like developing the first steam engine
Pressing skip
Developing that tech is going to be like developing the first steam engine
I guess this news is legit, bigger players like catl are scheduling ssb for next year or 2026 maximum. This tech will probably make batteries naysayers shut up forever
An alternative store from epic is already available
I’m waiting for chat providers(wa, tg, etc) interoperability now
Surveillance mode activated.
G1 like HTC G1? Let’s check it in the coming years
That looks huge
You’d be downvoted anyway today, thanks to crowdstrike
Antiviruses are not that common on Linux servers
Even an AI is good enough to avoid (or let someone avoid) pushing a similar bug 🫣
Or: next time go Linux instead
Is this a kind of wikileaks?
I wonder what kind of discussions take place when they implement these kind protocols (thinking of swift):
They should start thinking of a plug and play system similar to activity pub for all that finance old fashioned system
By financial system they still mean a swift/Cips/sfms/spfs alternative?
Llamafile is from Mozilla, but you know they’re a company and must have one foot in two camps…
No, llamafile Is local, and it could do multiple search engine for you, or skip results contained in the first pages which are usually only ads or there because they pay to be there. And it could start searching the fediverse too
You can skip search engines sometimes
Llamafile with tinyllama model is 640mb. It could be a flag to enable or an extension
Sometimes it works better like in this case instead :
because TMSRs don’t require water, they could also be built underground and in arid areas.
That’s crazy “cool”