Cadbury’s Marvellous Creations range has been doing it for about 10 years, but I’ve only seen them in Australia and SE Asia (assumigly sold in UK, too).
Cadbury’s Marvellous Creations range has been doing it for about 10 years, but I’ve only seen them in Australia and SE Asia (assumigly sold in UK, too).
Good use of Keanu meme, as he recently fell for and is promoting a conspiracy theory (ancient civilizations).
I tighten them and it saved my monitor! Robbers broke in to our house, stole a bunch of stuff. The computer monitor was still there, connected to the computer, dangling from the table.
How do I know they tried to steal it? Because they tried to cut through the cable with PAPER SCISSORS, because they didn’t know how to unscrew the cables.
I feel sorry for the dumb robbers. I hope they didn’t pawn it and are still enjoying playing Wii Fitness without the balance board, which they neglected to take with the console.
You forgot budgie smugglers.
Haha, I guess it’s not on anybody’s “must visit” list; a real hidden gem.
Maybe we should keep quiet about it… don’t want to attract too many people going to/from neighboring Santorini!
Naxos is a great place! Stayed there for a week by mistake (booking site error) and enjoyed it immensely. Very happy accident.
I already had the motivation to drive correctly, getting upset wouldn’t improve that motivation, just make driving more difficult.
I pride myself on being a safe and courteous driver. We all make mistakes, especially when learning.
When I started driving again recently after a 20 year hiatus I was getting upset when I made mistakes; running stop signs, forgetting indicators, etc.
But then I realised all I was doing was making it hard to concentrate, which could lead to more errors, maybe even a fatal crash.
I quickly adopted this “Oops that was illegal but it’s fine” attitude. Notice my mistake, and move on.
Thanks to the kind stranger(s) who finished off my “RICE LOVE” doodle (top right) while I was sleeping <3
Digital nomad in Indonesia here. People are friendly, food is great, scenery is beautiful, and weather is cool but not cold this time of year. I wouldn’t live here full time, but I wouldn’t live anywhere full time (because I am a nomad!).
I don’t agree with many of the laws here but that is true of pretty much everywhere.
I’m in Indonesia. When the rebrand announcement happened I checked and it was indeed blocked. But worked fine (I mean, worked just like you’d expect a garbage dump to).
I checked a couple days later and it was the same. Now both work correctly.
If got blocked it must have been for a very short period and at a weird time. I can’t imagine a redirect from a previously unrelated website triggering a block.
I find usually when I can’t articulate something clearly, it’s because I haven’t thought about it/researched it well enough, and I should stop trying to contribute on that topic until I have a better understanding.
That’s why I often end up writing long comments, but don’t hit post. Not a waste of time though, as it helps me identify areas in which I’m more ignorant than I thought I was.