He’s remembered as a figure who wanted to kill all of Parliament and return the nation to an absolute monarchy.
He’s remembered as a figure who wanted to kill all of Parliament and return the nation to an absolute monarchy.
You guys know what Guy Fawkes was trying to make happen, right? RIGHT?!
I mean, yeah. You ever ask an average software “engineer” to have a constructive conversation with someone a different department? It’s a nightmare.
I guess I’ll start screening my surgeons, attorneys, and accountants for how well they know how to use Zoom. This seems reasonable.
. I’d say this counts for sure.
Fuck, probably Boromir too.
The meme betrays a fundamental misunderstanding of how mobile OS work. They’re not “running in the background.” If they haven’t been interacted with recently they have been frozen and moved out of active memory. Tired literally just looking at a picture of an app when you go to the task view.
It’s not true for either one. Both Apple and Android OEMs pledge support for years not versions.
Reloaded was well liked. Revolutions was widely panned. I also rewatched them both recently (all four plus the Animatrix in order, actually) and I found that I liked them more on rewatch, a couple decades later, than I did initially.
The internet (even pre-social media) is an exercise in group polarization, recursively and repeatedly.
You are making a lot of assumptions about my knowledge (or lack thereof) on the subject as well as a sizeable one about your depth of knowledge on it.
I love that keyboard slacktivists think anything they don’t personally agree with is “neoliberalism.”
More recent update, all the actual manufacturers were shell companies wholly operated by Mossad.
“When I am weaker than you, I ask you for freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am stronger than you, I take away your freedom because that is according to my principles.”
Basicallly, yeah. It’s unfortunate, but there are really only 2 engines left – Blink and Gecko – (WebKit exists, but it’s almost exclusively used on Apple hardware. The days are gone when everyone had an engine and you could bounce around easily. I’m personally on Firefox main, but I keep Floorp around for backup.
Firefox/Librefix, Vivaldi, Floorp
At least we have Kojima Productions
100%. I’d do horrible things to get Team Silent back together and in their own studio.
Konami is a pachinko company first now. Most of their best IP have been left to languish and when releases do come, they’re awful and tonally completely different from what made their predecessors amazing.
50mbps is a fuckterrible bitrate for 4k HDR video content.
You should be playing physical media anyway, though.