Has a uni ever had a shooting?
Has a uni ever had a shooting?
If things continue the way that they are, we’ll have one shop for everything, we’ll all drive the same car, get your energy from the same company…
I agree with what you’re saying, but I don’t think it’s about any of that…it’s about control and no competition.
Nor can we grasp the depth of how big it is.
What are you getting at?
Your wealth has more than doubled. So? A significant number of people are in the shit. But I suppose as long as you’re doing ok, that’s alls that matters….
We can resist anything but temptation.
Just hoarding excessive amounts of wealth…
Will people start listening now?
True. If it’s not to the original plan it’s not HS2 is it?
It was a waste of time anyway if it didn’t go to Edinburgh and numerous other cities. You ever used the Liverpool/Hull line?
This is gonna be interesting.
Bet it will be completed before HS2, as well.
Of all the things he could have done, he did this?
It is. My favourite is Brits have been told that they have to die for Israel.
We are living in such an exciting timeline…not.
Why is he so determined to crash the USA economy?
What happens when the oil price crashes?
Would love to know the logic here.
Trump will just put tariffs on them …that will show them.