I just mean it’ll give them access to this block. I don’t think liberals in Japan will jump ship with the west
I just mean it’ll give them access to this block. I don’t think liberals in Japan will jump ship with the west
Japan should just try communism. I hear it works great and then you can cozy up with your neighbors of Russia and China.
Who’s posting this style of propaganda here? Also this is exactly how my Chinese friends write in English. In a webspace that is mostly American it really doesn’t seem that abnormal to contextualize your differing perspective.
Means tested genocide!
No necessarily half but that’s the logical result. theoretically there could be some weird group that doesn’t believe in genocide (part of the 69%) but would still support a pro Palestine candidate. Furthermore, as bad as the destruction of Palestine is many people only consider genocide to literally be the Holocaust and that style of commiting it. I could conceive of some pedants saying there isn’t a genocide but to stop the violence.
Though, I unfortunately think you might be right.
The US shooting itself in the foot by making the neocolonialist brain drain strategy fall apart because they’re too racist and paranoid is somewhat funny. Shitty for these people though.
When has China invaded anyone?
Sure, but what about the 500,000 people facing genocide and famine conditions in Gaza while the world just sends ships right on by into Israeli ports? It’s not great. I’m sure there’s food and medicine that’s really needed not getting to the people who do. However, foreign aid hasn’t fixed any of the issues in these regions and it’s wrong to assume that will change in the future.
Furthermore, westerners will always pour out sympathies now that it’s a problem for them. In the past decade we’ve seen the Saudis ruthlessly murder the yemeni people at the behest of the United States. I’m not saying yours are, but most of this is crocodile tears and to pretend otherwise is deliberately ignorant or dangerously naive.
Actually, pissing off the United States is a clear demonstration that it is working.
Israel gets their guns from whom? Whom suffers the most from this situation? Sure it didn’t end the bombing of Gaza because israel is a fascist State. Punching the wealthy in the purse might be the only thing they actually care about. Telling the ghouls that supporting genocide is going to cost you is actually good. Fuck you for saying it’s not.
Nah just get a mesh bowl of some sort, fill the press up with some water, pour through the mesh into the sink, and you’re done. Same amount of low effort clean up for 10 bucks
I can’t help being . This is why no one actually likes you. Die alone.
It’s pretty hilarious that you’re so smug and up your own ass you pretend to not understand that other political ideologies exist that may differ from your own. So full of yourself and your own self aggrandizement that you can’t type a sentence without presenting it in such a way as though the other person is so stupid for not seeing things your way. Take your smarmy ass back to reddit. No one likes nor wants you around on their forums
Since you seemed to reply in earnest, I’ll link this and highly suggest you watch it. Even if you don’t end up agreeing, I think it lays out the crux of the issue with human rights as an idea in a clear concise manner. It’s only 20 minutes long and it’s well put together.
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AhRBsJYWR8Q (I dunno how to do the in line text link)
I’d go point by point through your post (which I did read) but I’m swamped with work and shit.
Preventing how? Clearly these principles don’t work because the government that’s supposed to be following them can just choose not to.
As evidenced by the myriad of “human rights” abuses done by a state founded on the idea of “civil rights”.
The rights of man are predicted on power. Otherwise it’s just talk.
Really really good marketing, packaging and fomo overall
Smoke and fucking mirrors. I hate the people selling the planet.
Wish them a very painful die