NPM’s left-pad library has entered the chat
NPM’s left-pad library has entered the chat
Is this a hot take? You’re absolutely correct lol.
So fucking ecstatic to have seen that Sync for Lemmy came out today personally.
Paid for Ultra immediately without a second thought even if the app is early days I know it’s a worthwhile investment to keep ljdawson paid and caffeinated lol
Friend of mine who has had a kid explained this to me for anyone else who’s kidless like myself.
I guess the development rate of kids is sorta all over the place and various facets of development are benchmarked at certain months not years.
So parents speaking to other parents this probably makes total sense and they know developmentally where the kid is based on months.
For us non-parents, well, thank God our phones got calculators eh?
Fuck it man, indulge, it’s not the end of the world ya know?
You’re too tired to brush your teeth before bed one night you don’t stop brushing your teeth forever.
It’s okay to mess up, just get back on track the next day. It’s not all or nothing, it’s not a short-term fad die, it’s a lifestyle change, for life.
If your CICO was a line graph and yesterday was normal, today was a big spike, and tomorrow was normal, none of that shit matters when you look at the line over the length of a year of good habits.
You won’t even be able to see this one-off, single-day spike, blip, what have you. It’s a drop of water in the middle of the ocean.
Let yourself make mistakes, just acknowledge it was not the norm, and learn from it. If you bastardize failure you’re setting yourself up to fail harder due to unrealistic expectations, unsustainability, etc.
So I say fuck it. Blow your CICO up today. Just do right by yourself for the rest of the week.