Look the last time this shit went down, being in a small down didn’t mean you escape it.
As important as protest can be (especially in getting people involved), its ultimately performative. There are however things you can do. Do something, anything.
I’m struggling bro. But unlike most of lemmy, I make up some of the 5% of people in the US who actually have served in the US military. I know a path that leads through, in some small way, difficult.
And yes, just being physically capable makes a huge difference. It makes a difference to your mental well being. Its something you can do, tonight, tomorrow, this morning. Being physically capable of just… things. Of standing for long periods of time. Of lifting heavy things. Of running from, or into danger: being physically fit can make all of the difference.
Functionally, I’m trying to empower people with things that are accessible, that they can do right now. There are those privileged enough to have safe havens where they think they can run for cover. For most Americans, thats not an option. There is more, far more that I do advocate for. But I’m not going to do that here. Not out loud, and not right now, and probably only in person. I need you to interpret what I’m saying now as code.
But in lieu of that? Bruh you can run. You, or any one else reading this, you can run. Or walk, or crawl, or wheel yourself. You can become stronger than you are. You can read things, now. Important things. Things we might now have access to in a week. You can learn basic electronics. You can learn basic chemistry. YOU, reading these words now, are a capable and worthy individual.
And what these fucking spineless fuckers convince you of, is that you can’t. That you are too weak. That you aren’t enough… And that is what I’m here to oppose.