The forest is bad practice with passwords, since you get an email of your password after setting it.
The tree is OP not knowing how to describe why it’s bad and saying the wrong reason why.
My Brother laser printer/fax that looks like it came from the 90s is amazing and works with everything on default drivers. Mac, PC, Linux, Android, all of these work fine for me. The brother driver gives you more options if you care to install it, but you don’t have to.
Inkjet is a different beast. Especially the ones that don’t let you print B&W if you run out of colour ink, or that check for “legit” ink refills.
What does the lower exchange between the ruble and the dollar mean then? The ruble is worth less dollars than before.
UBS (a Swiss bank) doesn’t really have reason to lie about the wealth increase. Is the exchange rate thing just because rubles are less useful internationally because sanctions?
The US has inflation, and if the ruble is worth less dollars then that means Russia has even more inflation.
Obviously all our media wants to paint a picture of Russia doing terribly, but I wonder what the actual picture is. All the companies that left Russia left behind all their shit for Russia to use which if anything helps them keep more production in their own borders.
There is some problem with that as you say, but the company doing the poll is pretty well-respected by the west. They were also labelled a foreign agent by Putin at some point, so I looked at their opinion.
This is an interesting op-ed by the guy who runs the polling company, talking about preference falsification.
There’s an estimate that <10% of people in Russia have motive to lie because of power they’d lose if their opinion got out, and the theory is that this is usually constant. Unless Putin is scarier than 2 years ago you can still compare differences in opinion, even if you don’t trust the magnitude. The guy also said that you can look at the positive responses as having a share of neutral because people who aren’t informed just go with the majority instead of saying “idk”.
But no matter how much lying in polls there is, the amount of people worried about sanctions went down compared to 2 years ago, and compared to 2015.
Which makes sense considering how much physical capital western companies left in Russia, since VW can’t take an auto factory back to Germany with them even if they can take some equipment (but not all).