To be fair i learnt cursive and i can still not decipher most of it, even my own writing (or rather especially my own writing)
To be fair i learnt cursive and i can still not decipher most of it, even my own writing (or rather especially my own writing)
So they want to install a puppet “ruling” over the rubble to help finish the handover to the genocidal maniacs.
1,45 m human or 2,15m human?
Looking at the past 4000 years of human history, starting with the Egyptian Pharaohs:
Nope. People dont care, people dont learn. Especially when the make a whole display of how much they learned, like Germany does, you should be worried. Behind the facade lies the fascism, like it is currently furthered by most German political parties.
“Weird phase for tech” is a nice euphemism for “knows what casettes are, but didn’t have to put them into computers anymore.”
I agree though that it is crazy. I remember it being a big thing for teenagers being 14,15 when i was 7 or 8 to get their own mobile phone. The kids born in 2001 onwards often had their first smartphone at 8 or 9
Which formative years? Everything until 25 is quite formative.
Don’t you have a mortgage to pay off? Hush hush to work, and leave the internet to us. Doesn’t matter if you were in some usenet mailing groups already, when most people couldn’t type on a keyboard.
Meanwhile otters and dolphins are raping baby seals for fun.
Don’t worry, they will figure out that without humans releasing gasses they have no purpose, so they will cull most of the human population but keep just enough to justify their existence to manage it.
Although you don’t need AI to figure that one out. Just look at the relationships between the US intelligence and military and “terrorist groups”.
Do you think people should be treated with respect? Do you think there should be consideration for your condition so you are not exempt from certain events, activities, opportunities?
These are matters of ideology. If you say yes to it, it is ideological in the same way when you say no to it. There is no inherent objective truth to these value questions.
Same for the economy. It doesn’t matter if you think that growth should be the main objective, or that equal opportunity should be the focus or sustainability or other things. You will have to make a value judgement and the sum of these values represent your ideology.
Why though? I don’t think that Rohans problem was lack of proper swords. Giving it to a boy maybe 12-14 years old, because there is not enough men of fighting age was the problem at the time. But i don’t think the Orcs would have made concessions bc. of that.
what makes you think there isnt airbnb operators who have a chain of flats they rent out?
While i agree with the principal statement, this also requires two things to work:
First: The scope should be defined properly, so people can contextualize what they are actually doing and reviewing.
Second: If the scope is subject to change, or parts of it are unclear, there needs to be room to consider, develop and try different variants
This is were good management is crucial, which includes giving breathing room at the start. What we tend to experience is the expectation of already good detailed results, that can be finalized but still work if things change significantly.
Please excuse my ignorance, but what is grep, what are the do’s and dont’s of logging and why are people here talking about having an entire team maintain some pipeline just to handle logs?
What are you talking about? Israel and Azerbaijan are allies. Azerbaijan sells its oil and gas to Israel and Israel granted it the “right” to exploit the gas fields in front of Gaza they want to steal. Israel supplied Azerbaijan with drones so it can slaughter Armenians.
And Turkey did not put the UN Charta through a shredder or demanded the world to attack UN institutions. Also Turkey does not demand its allies to cheer it on for its crimes.
How is loosing territories some 5.000-10.000 km away an “existential threat”? Even if they wanted to, Japan had no means of successfully invading main land US.
The US justifies dropping the Nukes with it preventing an extraordinary loss of life if they had to stage an amphibious invasion of main land Japan. But at least the US could stage much closer to Japan, than Japan could to the US.
In the same wake the Britains loosing their empire was not an existential threat to the US just as much as the genocide against China was not an existential threat for the US just as the Holocaust and the genocides in eastern Europe weren’t an existential threat to the US.
We have been saying that Israel is a moral and legal hazard to the entire world as it rallied its allies to throw out all resemblance of a rule based international order recognizing such basic human rights like not being slaughtered and having access to basic food, water and medicine.
You mean it should lock him behind bars for life.
This is not indifference. This is a call for genocide. And a genocide at Ausschwitz proportions.
Your life has to be extremely messy, to not just know which part of the day you are in. For knowing what time it is, 24h is unneccesary. For communicating time it makes sense.