Saying that out loud is the quickest way to curse yourself to be adopted by the most chaotic till fur gremlin imaginable.
Saying that out loud is the quickest way to curse yourself to be adopted by the most chaotic till fur gremlin imaginable.
And my toddler throwing a tantrum at bed time is the user arguing with IT that they did turn off the power and rebooted when they just closed the laptop and opened it again
He got better
I suspect that a large part of the problem is a combination of hearing loss and a lack of subconscious awareness of their phone. In both cases (and especially combined), they would likely not even hear the notification if it was at a volume you or I would consider reasonable. So, from their perspective, it is quiet. Any quieter and it would be too quiet to notice.
Of course, anyone capable of basic empathy would also realise that such a perspective is their subjective experience of the world and simply turn the volume off/down until later to avoid annoying other people. Sadly, many of their ilk seem to have forgotten the lessons they taught us as kids.