I dive into Fortran77 code regularly. Sweet mother of Neptune! All caps and such short variable names!
I dive into Fortran77 code regularly. Sweet mother of Neptune! All caps and such short variable names!
Then you ask questions about what the past person could possibly have been thinking. You wonder what logic path brought them to create the code this way. You check git blame. It was you.
So does War Thunder. Makes sense from a CDN perspective.
I fully agree with the prioritization of meeting basic needs before luxury. The detail I would like see happen is making sure that people have a chance to see more than their own area at some point in their lives. See how other people live for a time. I do think there can be better connections for humanity when we can see the lives of others.
I took a trip with some college buddies. We went on a cruise and stopped in Nassau and some of them had some real shock seeing a city with not as much wealth. The just hadn’t considered that clean streets, sidewalks, and traffic lights didn’t exist everywhere.
Good luck! https://stackoverflow.com/a/8751940
Go parse JSON with standard library C++. Hahaha
Don’t sweat it man. I’ve seen null pointer dereferencing cause drones to fall out of the sky so this is not that bad. One time I did a code change that disabled an e-stop feature that stopped the propellers from spinning. Thankfully no fingers were lost because of that! The code was reviewed and passed the software simulation tests at the time. It just got missed.
Texas Power Guide is another option I’ve used. Power to choose is to be avoided.
It’s a normal thing in Texas. Annual plan are typical. Longer and shorter term ones are available. Never pay month to month. It’s just like Internet plans.
Texas Power Guide does a nice job of analyzing a lot of plans based on your location and usage.
Do NOT use Power To Choose. The electricity retailers purchase positions on that site. There is usually bias in the plans its shows.
We can’t see it, but creators and anyone they want to share data with (advertisers) can see it.
Lenny does part of this yes. Fediverse is the bigger ticket item. From a single account I can federate to different networks and post questions or have other interactions in different formats.
I continue to be impressed with the Arch community and their dedication to collecting information about Linux into one place. Props to everyone that has contributed! You really are helping users solve problems everyday!